Authorized Users:
...A current faculty or administrative staff member, or officially registered student of a Member, including part-time, post-doctoral and visiting students, located at a named Member Site, for whom a Member has provided access to an Authorized I.P. Address for use of SciFinder Scholar...
Walk-ins License:
Walk-in Access - SciFinder is provided to support the Academic Research activities of Named Users (e.g. current students and faculty). SciFinder may be used occasionally by walk-in visitors or by general public library patrons, provided that their usage is for non-Commercial Research purposes, or as may be specified by applicable state laws.
Allowed Use:
...The uses of Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) data which are permitted by CAS: Authorized Users may make use of CAS data obtained as a result of SciFinder Scholar searches in the ordinary course of Academic Research and may store search results in electronic form, provided that at any one time, no more than 5,000 records are stored by an Authorized User. Authorized Users are permitted to search only for themselves and may share their search results in a reasonable, limited way with either students or faculty at the same Member institution who are working on the same research project; provided, however, that any such sharing may not result in an aggregation of the electronic records stored by individual Authorized Users, nor in the creation of any central source of electronic records. Stored records must be deleted when they are no longer needed by the Authorized User for the relevant research project, or after the completion of Authorized User's degree program, whichever occurs first. Under no circumstances may CAS data be used for any other purpose, including but not limited to distribution of data by assignment, sale, sublicense, loan or other means of transfer to any other Member, any third party, and commercial use, whether paid or unpaid. Any use beyond the limited use described herein, requires the advance written permission of CAS...Authorized Users are permitted to use CAS data accessed through SciFinder Scholar according to the Permitted Data Use rights. Members will: (1) display the Users Agreement text shown in Exhibit I to all users in a printable form, and require the user to scroll through the text and indicate agreement (e.g. click-wrap agreement) prior to the initial download of the SciFinder Scholar client software from the Member network to the Authorized User's personal computer, and (2) use other reasonable efforts to communicate the Permitted Data Use rights to Authorized Users. CAS will display the User Agreement text through SciFinder Scholar features, such as Message of the Day. Under no circumstances are Authorized Users permitted to redistribute any collection of CAS data to other Members or to third parties, whether for commercial gain or otherwise, or in any other way commercially exploit the CAS data obtained through use of SciFinder Scholar... Exhibit I You certify to the following before you use SciFinder Scholar:1) I am a current faculty or administrative staff member, or officially registered student or University;#2) I will use SciFinder Scholar only for my own academic research done in the course of pursing my degree, or in instructing my students, or, in the course of my own research funded by the government or a non-profit foundation and intended for publication in the publicly available literature;#3) I will NOT use SciFinder Scholar for commercial research; for example, research that is done under a funding or consultant contract where the results are delivered to a for-profit organization, or for research that involves patentability searching. If I require SciFinder for commercial purposes, I will have the search done using a commercial account by contacting the librarian responsible for chemistry searches on campus, by contacting CAS and having them perform a search for me, or by acquiring and using the commercial SciFinder product;#4) I will use my search in the ordinary course of academic research and acknowledge that I may store search records in electronic form, provided that at any one time, I store no more than 5,000 records. I may share search results in a limited, reasonable way with other University students or faculty working on the same project, but I will not aggregate my electronic search results with those of anyone else. I will delete stored records when I no longer need them for the relevant research project, or after the completion of my degree program, whichever occurs first. If I need to use search results beyond what is described here, I will contact my University Key Contact to discuss and to obtain CAS permission. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I AM NOT PERMITTED TO DISTRIBUTE ANY CAS DATA OR SCIFINDER SCHOLAR, FOR COMMERCIAL GAIN OR OTHERWISE, OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY OR TO THIRD PARTIES.#5) I acknowledge that the University has entered into a license agreement with CAS to provide me with access to SciFinder Scholar, and that violation of the license by any user could result in a termination of the license for all users.6) I will contact University's Key Contact with any questions related to the use of SciFinder Scholar.
Prohibited Use:
...use by walk-in visitors or general-public library patrons is not allowed. CAS acknowledges that a Member may be unable to segregate public or library computer terminals from the rest of the Member network, and that occasional walk-in, public use of SciFinder Scholar may occur. If a Member's campus network will support password-protection for every use of SciFinder Scholar in the library setting, the Member agrees to implement this. Each Member will, in any case, prominently display a notice near all terminals, or electronically on the terminal screen to which the public has access and on which SciFinder Scholar is available, indicating that SciFinder Scholar is for use only by Member students and faculty and not the general public...Any use of SciFinder Scholar by a Member not specifically permitted under this Agreement, including but not limited to distribution by assignment, sale, sublicense, loan or other means of transfer to any other Member, to any third party, and commercial use, whether paid or unpaid, is strictly prohibited...
Copyright Statement:
...MISSOURI and its Members acknowledge the ACS' copyright and ownership interests in SciFinder Scholar, that SciFinder Scholar is a principal product of CAS, and the importance to CAS of maintaining these rights in the product and in CAS data. In addition to its other obligations set forth specifically in the paragraph. Members promise to use reasonable efforts to monitor usage of SciFinder Scholar for compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and will notify CAS immediately of any suspected violation by any user. MISSOURI and its Members will use reasonable efforts to fully cooperate with CAS in investigating any suspected violation, and will take such action as reasonably requested by CAS, or which it deems in its good judgment to be necessary, to correct such violation. MISSOURI and each respective Member shall be responsible for any failure on its part to act in compliance with this paragraph...
Participating Campuses:
MERLIN Saint Louis University