Project MUSE


Project MUSE is an online database of 500 academic journals from 160 publishers, and 12,000 electronic books. Project MUSE is a non-profit collaboration between libraries and publishers. Topics include a variety of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.

Authorized Users: 
Authorized Users: A subscription to a Project MUSE Collection grants unlimited access to the full text of the Journal titles in that collection for educational, research, and personal use by the faculty, staff, students, alumni, library patrons, and other Authorized Users of the Subscriber's campus/institutional network. Distance learners, alumni, and other off-campus affiliates may access Project MUSE if their internet access is through the campus network or via a secure proxy server. Subscribers are expected to make their best feasible efforts to enable access to the Project MUSE Database only to faculty, students, staff, alumni, and walk-in library patrons using the campus' physical library facilities.
Walk-ins License: 
Subscribers are expected to make their best feasible efforts to enable access to the Project MUSE Database only to faculty, students, staff, alumni, and walk-in library patrons using the campus' physical library facilities.
Remote Use License: 
Distance learners, alumni, and other off-campus affiliates may access Project MUSE if their internet access is through the campus network or via a secure proxy server.
InterLibrary Loan License: 
Authorized Users at the Subscriber's Institution may...6. provide facsimile images that are exact representations of the print Journal pages or of printouts from the electronic database for interlibrary loan under CONTU (National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works) ( guidelines and distributed in paper, fax, or digital form
Electronic Reserves License: 
Authorized Users at the Subscriber's Institution may...5. use a persistent URL, or durable URL, to the licensed materials, including full-text articles, for courses of instruction offered by the Subscribing Institution, where access is restricted to students enrolled in the course, to instructors, and to library staff maintaining the link, and such access is limited to the duration of the course. Each item should carry an appropriate acknowledgment of the source, copyright, and publisher, and the link to such items shall be deleted by the Subscriber when they are no longer required for such purpose.
Coursepacks License: 
[Prohibited Use]Authorized Users at the Subscriber's institution may not...2. transmit the digital source code, whether plain ASCII or tagged, and use contents and articles from Project MUSE in course packs
Allowed Use: 
Provided that the copyright header attached to the article is retained, Authorized Users at the Subscriber's institution may 1. download and print one copy of each article for personal use and archive contents on their own personal computers. 2. use an "offline browser" that allows downloading content from the site to be read later. The browser must be configured to request no more than one article per minute. Non-compliance with this rule will result in access to Project MUSE being blocked until the problem is resolved. If the problem is repeated, the offending IP may be permanently blocked from accessing the Project MUSE site. 3. send one copy by email, hard copy, or fax to one person in the subscriber's campus/institutional network at another location for that individual's personal use. 4. distribute a copy of individual articles or items of the licensed materials in print or electronic form to Authorized Users, including the distribution of a copy for noncommercial educational purposes, to each individual student (Authorized User) in a class at a Subscriber's institution. 5. use a persistent URL, or durable URL, to the licensed materials, including full-text articles, for courses of instruction offered by the Subscribing Institution, where access is restricted to students enrolled in the course, to instructors, and to library staff maintaining the link, and such access is limited to the duration of the course. Each item should carry an appropriate acknowledgment of the source, copyright, and publisher, and the link to such items shall be deleted by the Subscriber when they are no longer required for such purpose. 6. provide facsimile images that are exact representations of the print Journal pages or of printouts from the electronic database for interlibrary loan under CONTU (National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works) ( guidelines and distributed in paper, fax, or digital form 7. place selected listings and notices on the campus network to inform users of availability 8. display, download or print the Licensed materials for the purpose of internal marketing or testing or for training Authorized Users or groups of Authorized Users
Prohibited Use: 
Authorized Users at the Subscriber's institution may not 1. disseminate content from Project MUSE outside the campus or institution by any means, except as noted above. 2. transmit the digital source code, whether plain ASCII or tagged, and use contents and articles from Project MUSE in course packs 3. systematically download content by robots or other automatic processes without explicit approval from JHUP4. burden server(s) with activities, such as computer programs, that automatically download content, commonly known as web robots, spiders, crawlers, wanderers, or accelerators. If there is evidence that such unauthorized activities have taken place, the Subscriber will be contacted, and access to the offending IP address(es) may be shut down if a prompt resolution is not achieved. No refunds or credits will be given for time without access as a result of such activities. 5. remove, cover, overlay, obscure, block, or change any copyright notices, legends, or terms of use; or remove, cover, overlay, obscure, block, or change any copyright notices, legends, or terms of use: or modify or create a derivative work of any Journal content without the prior written permission of the copyright holder 6. re-use content for commercial use without prior written permission of the copyright holder 7. make agreements for access to Project MUSE Journal content with individuals, organizations, vendors, affiliates, or partners, who are not Authorized Users. Regarding section [Allowed Use 2.}..., if the Subscriber becomes aware of unauthorized access to the Project MUSE Database, it will notify JHUP immediately and cooperate in locating and attempting to stop the specific individuals who are abusing the service. If the specific abuser(s) cannot be identified or stopped, JHUP has the right to withhold, suspend, or terminate access to any or all licensed content, without liability.
Simultaneous Users: 
unlimited users
Participating Campuses: 
MERLIN Saint Louis University
Multi Year: 
Date Start: 
Date End: 