Authorized Users:
Authorized Users means employees, faculty, staff, or students officially affiliated with a member organization of this Consortium or authorized on-site clients of a consortium member's library facilities which includes the walk-in public at workstations located in public areas of the library. Authorized Users also include access through a proxy server which uses an authorized IP Address and authenticates Authorized Users coming from IP Addresses outside those listed in [Participants].
Proxy Server License:
...Authorized Users also include access through a proxy server which uses an authorized IP Address and authenticates Authorized Users coming from IP Addresses outside those listed in [Participants].
Remote Use License:
...Authorized Users also include access through a proxy server which uses an authorized IP Address and authenticates Authorized Users coming from IP Addresses outside those listed in [Participants].
Allowed Use:
The Licensee's subscription to the Licensed Materials provides its users, for a fixed annual fee, unlimited searching of the Licensed Materials for the term of this Agreement, beginning with the first full month following the date on which the Licensee executes this Agreement or makes such election, whichever is later.
Prohibited Use:
...The Licensee may not sell, transfer, publish, disclose, display or otherwise make available the Licensed Materials beyond the limits of the license set out above. Licensee shall use reasonable care to protect the copyrights and trade secrets of ABC-CLIO. Violation of this provision shall be the basis for termination of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other legal or equitable remedies available ABC-CLIO...
Copyright Statement:
The Licensed Materials and any related documentations are copyrighted by ABO-CLIO unless otherwise noted, and no transfer of copyright is made by this license.