Authorized Users:
Authorized Users/Sites: Authorized Users are the full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff, researchers, and independent contractors of the Subscriber affiliated with the Subscriber’s locations listed on Schedule 2 [UMC, UMKC, MST, UMSL] and individuals using computer terminals within the library facilities at the Sites permitted by the Subscriber to access the Subscribed Products.
Walk-ins License:
Authorized Users/Sites: Authorized Users are the full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff, researchers, and independent contractors of the Subscriber affiliated with the Subscriber’s locations listed on Schedule 2 [UMC, UMKC, MST, UMSL] and individuals using computer terminals within the library facilities at the Sites permitted by the Subscriber to access the Subscribed Products.
Remote Use License:
3.1 Authorized Access.Access to the Subscribed Products shall be authenticated by the use of Internet Protocol (”IP”) address(es) indicated by the Subscriber on Schedule 2 and/or usernames and passwords and/or a delegated authentication mechanism, identified on Schedule 2, requiring at least two different credentials.
Electronic Reserves License:
1.3 Authorized Users.The Subscriber and its Authorized Users may:* access, search, browse and view the Subscribed Products;* print and download a reasonable portion of the Subscribed Products;* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products on the Subscriber’s intranet and internet websites, provided that the appearance of such links and/or statements accompanying such links shall be changed as reasonably requested by Elsevier; and* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products in electronic coursepacks, reserves and course management systems.
Coursepacks License:
1.3 Authorized Users.The Subscriber and its Authorized Users may:* access, search, browse and view the Subscribed Products;* print and download a reasonable portion of the Subscribed Products;* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products on the Subscriber’s intranet and internet websites, provided that the appearance of such links and/or statements accompanying such links shall be changed as reasonably requested by Elsevier; and* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products in electronic coursepacks, reserves and course management systems.
Allowed Use:
1.3 Authorized Users.The Subscriber and its Authorized Users may:* access, search, browse and view the Subscribed Products;* print and download a reasonable portion of the Subscribed Products;* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products on the Subscriber’s intranet and internet websites, provided that the appearance of such links and/or statements accompanying such links shall be changed as reasonably requested by Elsevier; and* incorporate links to the Subscribed Products in electronic coursepacks, reserves and course management systems.
Prohibited Use:
1.4 Restrictions on User of Subscribed Products.Except as may be expressly permitted in this Agreement, the Subscriber and its Authorized Users may not:* abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based on the Subscribed Products without the prior written permission of Elsevier, except to the extent necessary to make them perceptible on a computer screen to Authorized Users;* remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in the Subscribed Products; or* substantially or systematically reproduce, retain or redistribute the Subscribed Products.